Systems Available Out-of-the-Box

brooklyn comes bundled with support for a large number of systems and entities.

In this pre-release version not all entities are fully functional and that the documentation is incomplete.

Please contact the Brooklyn Project for assistance and clarification.


Clusters and Interfaces

The class ControlledDynamicWebAppCluster creates a load-balanced cluster of web servers. It defaults to Nginx and JBoss 7, but this is configurable with the controller and either the factory or memberSpec configuration options.

Most web app server processes, and some clusters and PaaS implementations, support the interface WebAppService which defines many sensors including requests per second. This allows app server metrics to interoperable across implementations in many cases.

JBoss Application Server

Brooklyn supports JBoss 7 in the calss JBoss7Server, with a wide range of monitoring.

JBoss 6 is also supported using the different class JBoss6Server. (The different implementation is needed due to major differences between 6 and 7, including switching from JMX to HTTP/JSON as the preferred metrics mechanism.)

Apache Tomcat

Apache Tomcat is supported in the class TomcatServer. (Note that this currently uses a legacy Brooklyn class hierarchy, and could benefit from being ported to the JavaSoftwareProcessSshDriver implementation.)

Nginx Load Balancer

Nginx provides clustering support for several web/app servers.

The install process downloads the sources for both the service and the sticky session module, configures them using GNI autoconf and compiles them. This requires gcc and autoconf to be installed. The install script also uses the yum package manager (if available) to install openssl-devel which is required to build the service. This will only work on RHEL or CentOS Linux systems, but the install process should proceed on a vanilla system with development tools available.

On debian/ubuntu to build nginx you can get the required libraries with: apt-get install zlib1g-dev libdigest-sha-perl libssl-dev. (The entity install script will attempt to do this with sudo, but that may fail if sudo access is not available.)



MySQL is one of the most popular relational databases. Brooklyn supports setting up individual MySQL nodes with arbitrary configuration, which may be used to create multiple nodes using back-up and synchronization processes as desired. (If certain patterns for configuring multiple nodes become popular, these could be added as Brooklyn entities.)

Apache Derby

This entity is in the sandbox.

Brooklyn supports Apache Derby, a pure-Java SQL database. For setting up an instance of a server see DerbySetup.


The NoSQL entities may not be complete.


Redis is a distributed key-value store, supporting master/slave replication of a store as a clustered cache. This gives a series of read-only slaves and a single read-write master, which propagates to the slaves with eventual consistency.


Infinispan is a distributed in-memory datagrid.



Qpid support provides a JMS broker, running over AMQP. This exposes JMS queues and topics as entities as well. See QpidSetup for instantiating a broker.


ActiveMQ support provides a JMS broker. This exposes JMS queues and topics as entities as well. See ActiveMQSetup for instantiating a broker.


Apache Whirr

Whirr allows running a variety of services on cloud providers and on localhost. This is done by providing a recipe which describes what services to launch. You can find an example of how Brooklyn integrates with Whirr here.