Verify the release artifacts
Below is described a series of “sanity checks” that should be performed before uploading the artifacts to the pre-release area. They are also useful for community members that want to check the artifact before voting (community members may also want to check the list of required software packages to ensure they have the GnuPG installed.
The scripts below use several environment variables to cut out repetition and enable easy repeatability for the next release. You should determine the following information and set your environment:
# The version we are releasing now.
# The release candidate number we are making now.
# A reference to your Git repository for Brooklyn
# The Git commit hash from which the release was made - get this from the release script, or the Release Manager's announcement
Import the PGP keys of the release Managers:
curl | gpg2 --import
Download the artifacts
If you’ve just built the RC, simply go to that directory and skip this step.
If you’re verifying a build someone else has made, first download the files including all keys using:
mkdir -p ${TEMP_DIR}
cd ${TEMP_DIR}
curl -s $BASE_URL | \
grep href | grep -v '\.\.' | \
sed -e 's@.*href="@'$BASE_URL'@' | \
sed -e 's@">.*@@' | \
xargs -n 1 curl -O
(Alternatively if you have apache-dist-dev-repo
checked out,
you can do an svn up
in there and cd apache-brooklyn-${VERSION_NAME}-rc${RC_NUMBER}
Verify presence of NOTICE & LICENSE
Check that all archives are correctly annotated with license information. Check NOTICE is included:
for ARCHIVE in $(find * -type f ! \( -name '*.asc' -o -name '*.sha256' \) ); do
case $ARCHIVE in
LIST="tar -tvf"
LIST="unzip -Zl"
LIST="rpm -qlp"
echo "Unrecognized file type $ARCHIVE. Aborting!"
exit 1
|| { echo "Missing LICENSE or NOTICE in $ARCHIVE. Aborting!"; break; }
Verify the hashes and signatures of artifacts
Then check the hashes and signatures, ensuring you get a positive message from each one:
for artifact in $(find * -type f ! \( -name '*.asc' -o -name '*.sha256' \) ); do
shasum -a256 -c ${artifact}.sha256 && \
gpg2 --verify ${artifact}.asc ${artifact} \
|| { echo "Invalid signature for $artifact. Aborting!"; break; }
Verify expanded source archive matches contents of RC tag
These commands will compare the contents of the source release to the contents of the equivalent Git commit. Note that there will be some differences: we cannot release binary files in the source release, so some test artifacts will appear to be missing from the source release, and the source release excludes the documentation, website and release scripts.
git checkout $GIT_COMMIT
git clean -d -f -x # WARNING: this will forcibly clean your workspace!
mkdir unpacked-src
# Either:
tar xzf ${BASE_NAME}-src.tar.gz -C unpacked-src/
# or:
unzip ${BASE_NAME} -d unpacked-src/
# (or preferably both!)
diff -qr unpacked-src/$BASE_NAME $BASE_REPO
Check for files with invalid headers in source archive
grep -rL "Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation" * | less
Check for binary files in source archive
Look for files which are created/compiled based on other source files in the distribution. “Primary” binary files like images are acceptable.
find . | xargs -n1 file | awk -F $':' ' { t = $1; $1 = $2; $2 = t; print; } ' | sort | less
Verify the operation of the binary distribution
mkdir unpacked-bin
# Either:
tar xzf ${BASE_NAME}-bin.tar.gz -C unpacked-bin/
# or:
unzip ${BASE_NAME}-bin.tar.gz -d unpacked-bin/
# (or preferably both!)
cd unpacked-bin
./bin/brooklyn launch
Try deploying a simple app, such as the YAML:
location: localhost
- type: org.apache.brooklyn.entity.webapp.jboss.JBoss7Server
Inspect the Maven staging repository
Go to the Apache Nexus server at and log in using the
link in the top right (the credentials are the same as your Git and Jenkins credentials). Go to the “Staging
Repositories” page, and click the repository with the name starting orgapachebrooklyn
Give this a brief inspection to ensure that it looks reasonable. In particular:
- The expected projects are there. (There is no need to do an exhaustive check - but if there is only a couple of projects there, then something has clearly gone wrong!)
- The projects contain artifacts with the expected version number.
- The artifacts for a project look reasonable - and there is a
file (detached PGP cleartext signature) for each artifact.
About the sanity check
This is the most basic sanity check. This is now suitable to be uploaded to the pre-release area and an announcement made with voting open. This is then the point for the RM and the community to perform more detailed testing on the RC artifacts and submit bug reports and votes.
Automated sanity check script available at brooklyn-dist/release/
If the sanity check fails
Note the problems causing the failure, and file bug reports, start mailing list discussions etc., as appropriate.
For the release manager who was preparing an RC for upload
You should completely discard the defective artifacts.
You will also need to drop the Maven staging repository on Apache’s Nexus server: go to the Apache Nexus server at and log in using the link in the top right (the
credentials are the same as your Git and Jenkins credentials). Go to the “Staging Repositories” page, and tick the
repository with the name starting orgapachebrooklyn
. Click the Drop button.